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Gardauno Spa

Energy Efficiency

White certificates or TEE “Energy Efficiency Titles” are negotiable titles that attest the achievement of energy saving in the final use of energy, through initiatives and projects that increase energy efficiency.
Garda Uno requires, when necessary, recognition of “Energy Efficiency Titles” from companies operating in the Energy Service Sector (D.M. 28/2012).
So far, “Energy Efficiency Titles” have been recognized for the installation of groups of inverters serving the water cycle network, which have helped reduce the electrical consumption of pumps.


Garda Uno is included in the list of operators accepted by the Energy Provider to participate in the Environmental Markets of Green Certificates and Energy Efficiency Titles, therefore Garda Uno is able to negotiate and sell their own Certificates during Market sessions.



Italian to english translation by Greta Chimini of the - Liceo Scientifico Statale Enrico Fermi , Salò (BS) - for the Garda Uno Lab project

