Il menu ‘Mobilità’ del nostro sito web è ora attivo, oltre che in italiano, in inglese e tedesco.
Informazioni e documentazione relativi alla Green Urban Mobility sono quindi accessibili ad un numero sempre maggiore di utenti.
Di seguito, ‘Temporary User’, la pagina in inglese ‘Ricarica utente temporaneo’ (qui, in italiano )
Temporary User
Each owner of an electric car, not in possession of a Mobility Card, can access the service by purchasing a single charge in the Temporary User section of the website
- 5,00 € for 2 hours of recharge;
- 10,00 € for 5 hours of recharge;
- 15,00 € for 10 hours of recharge.
How it works:
- access the web page Temporary User (Pic.1);
- enter data (e-mail, telephone number and Name Surname/Business Name), choose the type of charge and click ‘login’ (Pic.2);
- enter your credit card data (Pic.3);
- wait for the message of charge success (Pic.4);
- wait until the system return to the main page of gardaunomobility (Pic.5);
- check your inbox and open the e-mail from;
- click on the link of the Temporary Token (Pic.6);
- the Temporary Token is automatically inserted in the page ‘gardaunomobility’, click the Login button to proceed (Pic.7);
- select a charging station on the map (Pic.8);
- choose the socket;
- press the blue button (Pic.9);
- wait until the release of the plug and put the connector;
- press the red button to stop the electic charging and release the connector (Pic.10).
Click on the following link to download the Manual
Referente web per il settore Energia: Laura Maestrini
Image – Immagine di copertina: Garda Uno Lab – Micaela Zamboni, IV H, grafica e comunicazione. Istituto Statale d’Istruzione Secondaria Superiore “L. Bazoli – M.Polo”.